

kenhirama×Ray Photo exhibition "Ray of Summer"

「写真家kenhiramaと歌い手Rayのコラボレーション写真集"Ray of Summer"を題材に


東京都渋谷区恵比寿西1-16-1 丸山ビル2F
tel: 03-5784-0441


当日は写真集"Ray of Summer"の販売も行っております。



Ken Hirama / kenhirama
is an award winning director, photographer and a visual artist based in Tokyo, Japan. He first becomes known online for his test video "D90 Short Film" (chosen as the "Best video done by the Nikon D90 on d90plus). Some regard him as one of the pioneers of DSLR filmmaking along with Philip Bloom.
In 2010, his work was shown at Huis Marseille Museum, Amsterdam with Japanese leading photographers Mika Ninagawa, Rinko Kawauchi, Risaku Suzuki and other photographers around the globe. Under the influence of his big brother shotahirama (SIGNALDADA), he became involved with numerous projects and collaborations. His collaborations include shotahirama, pleq, Anna Rose Carter,Natalia Noelia and Japanese art label mAtter and SIGNALDADA.
アメリカ・ニューヨークに生まれカナダのカルガリーで育ち、現在は東京に拠点を置く映像作家。彼の作品には一貫して「自然環境」とそれに対峙もしくは共存を試みる人間社会の「日常」という2つの要素が含まれている。ショートフィルムというメディアを纏いながらも、シネマティックに描写される2項間の相互作用はまるでドキュメンタリーのように生々しくそして力強い。彼は“ベストフィルム by D90"と選ばれた事をはじめ、カンヌライオンズではランナーアップ賞を受賞、アムステルダムのHuis Marseille美術館では蜷川実花や川内倫子らと共に作品展示を果たすなど精力的に活動を行っている。現在は実の兄であるサウンド・アーティスト shotahiramaとのコラボレーション、ポーランドの音楽家pleqへの映像提供など、ショートフィルムだけに留まらずジャンルをクロスオーヴァーする制作にも取り組んでいる。

2009-“D90 Short Film” selected as “The Best Video Made by D90” on
-Film screened at Huis Marseille Museum, Amsterdam
2010-Cannes Lions Runner-Up Award
-Collaboration with shotahirama at superdeluxe, Roppongi
-“Metaphosis pt2” Collaboration with Pleq
-Joined the “mAtter Asia Tour” as a visual artist
2011-“My Piano Is Broken” Pleq, Anna Rose Carter and kenhirama
-Album cover photo for Marihiko Hara and Pleq
-Joined the “Sad Vacation Hong Kong” with shotahirama
2012- Screened his newest work “Two out of Tokyo” at La Grotte Film Screening.

Born in Japan 1989.1.17
Ray is a singer song writer based in Tokyo, Japan.
Lived in Australia in her early childhood, she began to take interest in music and the songs she remembered there still remains in her heart. Long before “words” were born, we connected with each other simply by “Voice”. Living in a place where “words” become a barrier, she believes that our “voice” itself is the key for human connection. Expressing through “songs and keeping in mind the beauty of Japanese and English sound holds, she hopes her voice becomes unforgettable for the listeners. She knows that "forget" and "bury" are the human nature. That's why she wants something "unforgettable"a
"Please remember me"
1989年(平成元年) 1月17日生まれ山羊座のa型。
幼少時代をオーストラリアで過ごし、そこで覚えた数々のうたが今でも彼女の心に残っている。言葉が生まれるずっと前から“声”というシンプルなだけど唯一の持ち物で人は繋がっていたのだと、言葉が通じない異国で学んだコミュニケーション手段を、今も追及している。 “うた”という表現方法と“声”の持つ音色、日本語、英語それぞれの言葉の持つ美しい響きを大切に、優しい優しいうたがうたいたいと日々願っています。

2007- First solo live “Himawari-no-hi vol.1”* at Kouendori Classics
* since vol.1, she continues her solo live once a year in the end of summer.
2010- Solo live Vol.5 in her birthplace Sapporo in JAMUSICA
2008- she became involved Vocally in a Christmas CD. First single “The Christmas song” released.
* in Christmas season she became a radio personality at “Radio Niigata”
2009- Performed at A grand Exposition for Yokohama`s 150th year, “Y150” Tomorrow Park Stage.
2012- Her first leading musical short film “ Dream Notebook”, Screened and won best picture at “Skip City International D Cinema Festival 2012” (IDCF).
-Joined some of the recordings for Kenichiro Nishihara’s New project ESNO 1St album “Visionary”.
-First collaboration photo book with Kenhirama( “Ray of Summer” is on sale.